Do you provide flights?
We do not arrange flights as we have found in order to get the best value for money you have to be checking constantly to get cheap flights, we can provide you with details on who we recommend. Should you need any further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Do you provide transport from activities / airports?
We can arrange transport for all our groups. None of our packages include transport as most groups bring their own transport.
Can I just book an activity?
Yes, of course. We recommend booking packages though as its better value for money.
How far will our hotel be from pubs / clubs / activity centre.
All locations are booked with you in mind, we get you as central as possible so there is little travel yet always close to the amenities.
Do you take late bookings?
Yes, we will do our best to accommodate late bookings but it may be hard to book everything if you have a big group. Most groups will book over 2 months in advance, this gives you plenty of time to get numbers and money.
How do we all pay?
Everybody can login to our online system to make their own payment. This saves you the hassle of running around trying to get money off all your mates. Once your package is secured you will be given login details so you can invite all your friends.